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Darryl Whetter

Darryl Whetter is the author of eight books of fiction, poetry and creative nonfiction.

His most recent books are #travelsend, the climate-crisis novel Our Sands, from Penguin Random House (2020), and, as a creativity scholar and anthologist, Teaching Creative Writing in Asia (Routledge, 2022) and Teaching Creative Writing in Canada (Routledge, due in 2024).

His writing has been selected to various anthologies, including Best Canadian Stories, Best Canadian Essays and Best Asian Short Stories. His essays have been published by The Brooklyn Rail, The Globe and Mail, The Detroit Times, and THIS Magazine; and by Oxford University Press, Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, and others.

Whetter has been a festival or campus author in Bali, Singapore, London, Penang, Swansea, Perth, Sydney and throughout his native Canada. He holds a PhD in literature and was recently the inaugural director of the first creative writing master’s degree in Singapore, in a degree conferred by Goldsmiths, University of London.



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