Excerpts from our books
Click a link to read a free excerpt from a Moose House book
Chapter 2 of Tony Thomson's novel, About Face
Chapter 1 of Carol Moreira's Riptides
Chapter 12 of Andy Tolson's debut novel, Noisemaker
The dinner scene from Laura Churchill Duke's Two Crows Sorrow
Detectives Gurrey and Grime have their first adventure in Fish and Dicks, by Jim Prime and Ben Robicheau
The beginning of Seven Shifts, by Janet Parker Vaughan
Chapter 9 from Carol Ann Cole's Paradise on the Morrow, book 3 in the Paradise series
The start of chapter 39 of Marie Mossman's A Rebel for Her Time
The skinny-dipping showdown from Brenda J Thompson's Tales from the End of the Old Military Road
Chapter 1 of Rhoda C. Hill's Loving Number Seven, book 1 in The Love Shack series
Clara from Granville Ferry reinvents herself as a champion swimmer in Ernest J. Dick's Pursuing Clara
An excerpt about code language from Where's Home? by Jan Fancy Hull
The start of a short play from A Dash of Currie
Connie Jodrey's "The Curling Game" from Moose House Stories Volume 1
Chapter 1 of Jeremy Akerman's My Brother's Keeper, the fifth book in the Marc LeBlanc Mystery series.