Books coming soon
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As each book becomes available for pre-order, we move it over to the catalog.
Check back regularly, as we add titles and covers as soon as they are available..
Garrison Graveyard: grave markers and inscriptions - the revised edition of Denise J. Rice's essential guide to the military cemetery at Annapolis Royal.
September: Sabotage- the ninth Tim Brown Mystery is due to release in fall, 2025.
Barachois - Poetry by the late Cynthia French.
The Rise and Fall of Wendell Proctor - From Jeremy Akerman, about a Nova Scotia politician we met in The Premier's Daughter and The Plot to Kill the Premier.
Moose Country: the tale of a blockade - Nina Newington's Seussian retelling of how an intrepid band tried to block the clear-cutting of forest essential to moose and other species. Illustrated by Rebekah Wetmore.
The View from Here: South Shore essays - A collection of Vernon Oickle's best newspaper columns.
Tough All Over - Book Two in Rhoda C. Hill's Love Shack series.
Take the Long Way Home - Gen X-er Larry Peach's memoir of a meandering journey to find himself at anchor on the Clare Acadian Shore.
Birchtown: the lost settlement - Micha Cromwell and Brenda Thompson explore the history of the African-Nova Scotian settlement of Birchtown.
The Rising Villages - Brenda J. Thompson's history of Perotte Settlement and Lake LaRose.