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Borderline Hardy fills a barn

Bruce Partridge, author of Borderline Hardy in 5b, writes about the August 18 launch of this great story about Pleasant Valley Nurseries, an Antigonish institution for forty years.

(Bruce, gathering his courage before the event)

"Finally, after a month of postponements due to unforeseen complications, and complicated arrangements, I am glad to report that our book launch went off just as nicely as we had hoped.

"Imagine a clean, airy old post and beam barn, hung with this seasons harvest of garlic and dried flowers, and filled with picnic tables, and you get the picture.

"The barn owners, Susie Murphy and Will Frankland, operate a busy organic market garden, and were kind enough to let us use the barn. Their two young children, Juniper and Beecher, made sure there were flowers on every table."

"Choosing a barn for the launch proved to be an inspired decision, as more than 70 people drove out into the country for the event and there was parking and room for social distancing.

"It was a happy crowd who mostly knew one another and came to buy a book. What could have been better?"

Lots of former PVN staff turned up to celebrate the event...and to look for their names or pictures in the book.


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