Two Ferries Out: Growing up on Brier Island
Wales has Dylan Thomas, Lake Wobegon has Garrison Keillor, and Brier Island, Nova Scotia has Ben Robicheau, a great raconteur with a remarkable eye for the right detail. He makes you wish you’d been there, or be glad you weren’t, often in the same tale! No matter where you grew up, you’ll long to go back home again—to Briar Island.
Jan Fancy Hull, author of Where's Home
Ben knows his subject matter intimately and recreates his experiences not only with a palpable affection for his home town but with an authenticity that only an islander could achieve. Reading this book is as comfortable as listening in on fishermen at the Westport general store on a foggy Saturday afternoon with a Nesbitt’s Orange in one hand and a bag of Scotties chips in the other.
Jim Prime, co-author of Fish and Dicks
From the joys of growing up on an isolated Nova Scotia Island, to life-threatening adventures at sea, Ben's skilful use of words will draw you right into the journey. This is how history should be written. Great short stories about daily life in an isolated island village. Don't look for kings and queens here, just great characters with tales to tell. I reluctantly reached the last page...the stories are so compelling I wanted to read more.
Andy Moir, founder, Passages
5x8 paperback, 361 pages. Profusely illustrated, with many colour images. ISBN 978-1-990187-13-1