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We Have a Child for You

We Have a Child for You

They talked it over, took the training course, equipped the spare bedrooms, and thought they were all ready to be foster parents. The reality, in its joys and challenges, was far beyond what Kathleen and Wade had prepared themselves for. This funny, jolting, heartstring-tugging, inspiring account of life with foster kids and the social services system takes us into every corner of the fostering life.

  • Book details

    ISBN 978-1-990187-78-0

    5x8 paperback, 242 pages

  • Reader reviews

    Kathleen Foster-Alfred writes an absorbing account of her years as a foster parent. Her joy and pleasure caring for children is evident, but their needs and concerns are not sugar coated. Reading this book gave me a glimpse into the home life of foster children in Nova Scotia. This is a book that will appeal to teachers because it provides a rounded perspective about foster children. For the same reason, potential foster parents will find it interesting. - Andrena Teed, writer and educator

    Having been a foster parent and adopting through the foster care program, I found the stories very relatable. The book is a great reminder of the days when we would get that call, and all the chaos and love those calls entailed. The children who enter foster care need homes that have people who are willing and able to understand the difficult circumstances that they have endured in the past, and who are committed to making their days ahead brighter.  - Former foster parent Gina Searle

    The characters felt very real. The book showed a great depiction of loving on children in the system. A great view of the landscape and rural life of Nova Scotia Canada. I hope the book will encourage more families to open their doors to children in need of their encouragement and empathy.  - Foster parent Julia Martin

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