Jan Fancy Hull
Jan Fancy Hull lives and writes in a log chalet beside a quiet lake in Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia. Prior to arriving at this idyllic position, she served in various careers, enterprises, pursuits, and avocations, including, but not limited to, arts administrator, radio broadcaster, sailing tours skipper, and employee benefits broker.
In the warm months, Jan creates sculptures from Nova Scotia sandstone, which she exhibits in various galleries and shows. She is a member of the Lunenburg Art Society. She also enjoys golfing and drifting around the lake in a tiny rowboat, but doesn’t do enough of either. There are so many things to do.
Moose House publishes a whole shelf of Jan's books:
Where's Home? an explorations of what makes Nova Scotia 'home' to so many people...and not to some others.
The Church of Little Bo Peep and other stories - three tales in which the answers to questions seem to lead to...more questions.
Inquire Within - Quirky short stories involving tenants in a hard-to-find office building in downtown Halifax.
The Tim Brown Mysteries:
January: Code - Tim Brown, a newspaperman on Nova Scotia's South Shore, begins a year's sabbatical that, he hopes, will let him delve delve into mysteries high and low. His first client is a powerful politician with a puzzle.
February: Curious - Tim Brown steps up his delving game, looking into mysteries both high and low. Why is his aunt, the powerful politician, looking drawn and withdrawn? What happened on the walking trail and who was the disappearing man? How can Tim help a young reporter up his game?
March: Enigma - Tim's sabbatical year continues to offer new challenges. Something unexpectedly triggers a long-buried emotional memory, raising difficult questions. His growing skill at delving leads him to question truths and accept falsehoods, and to consider when a loss can be a gain.
April: Sweetland - What's the difference between a delver and a private detective? Tim Brown is about to try to find out, as a challenge lands on his desk
May: Façades - Tim becomes aware of odd developments that may threaten his business. They may even relate to the mysterious ‘Project Sweetland’ that he and his team are investigating.
June: Trespasses - Tim finds himself drawn back into newspaper work more and more, while surprises emerge close to home that threaten to upend his life.
July: Confidence - Tim and his friend, Robert, take a rare vacation out of the province and a remarkable opportunity comes up for Robert. It is so very good...might it be too good to be true?
August: Treasure - Adventure eight will appear in the first quarter of 2025.
September: Sabotage - The ninth adventure is due in the fall of 2025.